- a new kind of elementary orchestra
- an early Social-Emotional Learning intervention for Kindergartners
- an after-school, el sistema inspired, music for social change program
- a seamless integration of sel skills, music and culture
- an opportunity for our students to have access to High quality music education
- An asset based approach to music education and SEL
Kindergarten and up
We are preparing to pilot a program of Kindergartners. We will soon be enrolling a class of 16 five and six year old scholars to be a part of our inaugural class of S.T.A.R.S. We intend to add a class every year until every grade level is represented. In 2021, we will begin teaching kindergartners. In 2022, we will have a returning class of 1st graders with some skills and a new class of Kindergartners.
In this way we can expect growth of at least the same size of incoming class each year. We also intend to expand from a single pilot school to a smaller cluster of schools that will have a shared nucleo. This is also part of the modern adaptation of El Sistema to the American School system. |
SEL SKills

Through independent practice, one on one, small group and large group lessons, our students will focus on developing 5 key skill areas while learning music in our program:
- Self-Awareness
- Self-Management
- Social Awareness
- Relationship Skills
- Responsible Decision-Making
What is SEL and why does it Matter?
Please watch this video if you would like to know more about SEL and it's benefits.